Opole Science and Technology Park (PTN) stimulates and develops the flow of knowledge and technology between Opole universities and businesses, supporting the development of entrepreneurship based on innovative solutions. The role of Opole PTN is to create a science and technology platform, to develop new technologies and innovative measures in the specially designed, newly built laboratory and experimental infrastructure and office spaces.
The operation of Opole PNT is guided by the keynote expressed by the abbreviation M.I.N.D., implying from both the Park’s mission and the challenges posed by the economy of Opole region. M.I.N.D stands for REASON, which is the beginning of thought – the idea, modern technology, its uniqueness, as well as the development directions. Properly stimulated by the team of employees of the Park, it is a challenge for the current, modern labour market. The whole concept of work of Opole PNT is contained in the keynote, promoting Opole PNT as a “MINDPARK” for all residents of Opole region, including students.