Opole Faculty of Economics of Wrocław School of Banking belongs to the prestigious Group of Schools of Banking, which provide business education at the highest level in 9 cities in Poland. The Schools of Banking, chosen by 250,000 students so far, were founded by the Higher Education Development Center “TEB Akademia”. WSB in Wrocław, with the Faculty of Economics in Opole, is the largest non-public business school in the Lower Silesia and Opole region, occupying high positions in the rankings. It enjoys a good reputation with employers.
In the ranking carried out in 2014 by the weekly “Wprost”, the Schools of Banking proved to be the group of universities in Poland most valued by employers, and according to a study conducted in the same year by TEB Akademia, Opole Faculty of Economics is the non-public school in Opole region best recognized by employers – it is known and appreciated by 92% of employers in the region.
According to the report by MSHE for the academic year 2014/2015, Wrocław School of Banking is one of the most popular non-public universities in the category of part-time studies. The offer and the educational program of the Faculty of Economics of Opole WSB is matched to the requirements of employers. In this way, everything that the students learn will be useful in their future profession. Classes in WSB in Opole are a meeting place for practitioners – this form of education is conducive to remembering information and teaches creative approach to any activity.
WSB in Opole offers studies at the highest level, but not only. As befits a business-profiled university, we actively support the professional development of our students from the very first year of study. The Career Office operating at WSB helps students choose their career path, supports organization of apprenticeship and finding a job matching the expectations and aspirations. WSB in Opole also invites you to the Academic Business Incubator at the university. In one day, every young person can open his/her own company there.
The extensive scholarship system allows for a significant reduction of the cost of studying, and even for complete funding. Winners of international contests, winners or finalists of nationwide subject contests, winners of contests sponsored by the School of Banking and those raised in children’s homes are exempt from tuition fees in the first year of studies. The differentiated system of scholarships and student discounts in WSB in Opole includes scholarships of the Rector, the Minister, social and sports scholarships, scholarships for leaders, for disabled persons, discounts for those raised in children’s homes and grants.
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