Opole is an academic city. Thousands of students and researchers, dozens of educational buildings, campuses, the intimate character and beauty of the city. Every fourth resident of Opole in the academic year is a student. Students are studying, living and working in every district of Opole. They are setting the tone of the city, you can see this in cafes, on the streets and at concerts. All this adds up to the extraordinary atmosphere makes Opole a unique spot on the academic map of Poland.
Opole can also boast with dozens of institutions centered around the idea of science. Science and technology parks, research and development centres and conference centres, cultural institutions and non-governmental organizations. They all work for Opole students. The strong economy of Opole and its region actively supports the development of the scientific and academic offer of the city.
Thousands of modern workplaces and the excellent conditions of work provide the incentive for studying and living in Opole. Opole, with the entire academic community and its environment, is a unique CAMPUS combining the capabilities and potential of the city in an attractive way. We are the ones creating OPOLE CAMPUS.